Spiritual direction is a confidential relationship of deep listening, attentive love, and compassionate presence...
in which the director helps you to discern your own spiritual path and connection to the sacred, and to trust your own inner voice of wisdom. The director helps you to explore the questions, concerns, joys that you bring to each session. While “direction” is the term traditionally used, I prefer the term “spiritual midwifery,’’ in recognition of the mutuality of the relationship and the active role of the seeker in the process of spiritual discernment.
““Living life in touch with divine spirit lets us see the light of love in all living beings. That light is a resurrecting life force.”
My spiritual direction practice is . . .
A feminist approach to spiritual direction recognizes oppressions based in gender, race, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and national origin. It affirms the egalitarian nature of the spiritual direction relationship. Welcoming all genders, it honors the voices and wisdom of women, and the unique spiritual issues women face. Finally, it affirms and honors the Feminine Divine.
Trauma often inflicts spiritual wounds or blocks. Should these surface in the course of spiritual direction, or be the reason you seek spiritual direction, if requested, I am able to offer trauma healing. I am trained in both Somatic Experiencing through the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and in Indigenous Focusing-Oriented Therapy through the Justice Institute of British Columbia.
I believe we all are spiritual beings on a human path, and welcome spiritual seekers of all kinds. My own background is in the United Church of Christ tradition, but I am knowledgeable in the religious and spiritual traditions of the major world religions, Jungian spirituality, and some aspects of indigenous spiritualities, as well as Wicca and other earth-centered and feminist spiritualities.
I believe in the immanence of the divine, and honor the spirit in all of creation – water, rocks, trees, fungi, mosses, birds, turtles, deer, wolves -- all of kindom. I consider spending time in nature and listening to its wisdom to be vital to our spiritual well-being and healing, and welcome including this in spiritual direction if desired.
““Immanence is the awareness of the world and everything in it as alive, dynamic, interdependent, and interacting, infused with moving energies: a living being, a weaving dance.”
““For me the divine/Goddess/God/Earth/Life/It symbolizes the whole of which we are a part. This whole is the earth and sky, the ground on which we stand, and all the animals, plants, and other beings to which we are related.”
Logistics to Entering a Spiritual Direction Relationship
The spiritual direction relationship can last from a few weeks to several years, typically meeting for an hour once a month. This will vary with every individual.
No obligation initial meeting
If you are interested in exploring spiritual direction, I encourage you to set up an initial meeting with me using Zoom or over the phone. That will give you a chance to see if this is the right fit to meet your needs.
Due to Covid, I am no longer providing spiritual c0mpanionship in my home, but I am able to meet with you using Zoom. Hopefully there will come a time when I can meet with companions in person again.
A financial offering for spiritual direction is generally $50 for an hour-long session, but both time and fees can be adjusted to meet your abilities and needs.
““…when we begin to live from within outward, in touch with the power of the erotic within ourselves… then we begin to be responsible to ourselves in the deepest sense.”