Finding meaning in life, creating a just and peaceful world, healing and wholeness, and connection with the natural world have been continual themes throughout my life.
I offer services both in spiritual companionship and trauma healing.
Spirtual Companionship
Spiritual companionship is a confidential relationship of deep listening, attentive love, and compassionate presence in which the director helps you to discern your own spiritual path and connection to the sacred, and to trust your own inner voice of wisdom. The companion helps you to explore the questions, concerns, joys that you bring to each session.
While “direction” is the term traditionally used, I prefer the terms “spiritual companionship” and “spiritual midwifery,’’ in recognition of the mutuality of the relationship and the active role of the seeker in the process of spiritual discernment.
““We are together in this, all of us, and it’s our job to love each other, human, animal, and land, the way ocean loves shore, and shore loves and needs the ocean even if they are different elements.”